Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Titanic Lesson Plan

Homeschool Teacher - Lesson Plan & NewsletterSeptember 1, 2009
This free lesson plan is published daily by Homeschool Parent. If you enjoy this newsletter, please feel free to forward it to others. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you may sign up at http://groups.yahoo.com/ for k-3 or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/homeschoolteacherlessonplans/ for 4-8.
On this day in 1985, A joint U. S.-French expedition located the wreck of the Titanic 560 miles off the coast of Newfoundland. Here is a coloring page of the Titanic.
Titanic starts with the letter T. Practice writing the letter T.

Writing Prompt
Write a message using Morse code.

Try this experiment.
Don’t forget the math challenge!


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