Monday, February 19, 2007

Astronaut Lesson Plan

Homeschool Teacher - Lesson Plan & Newsletter
February 20, 2007

Welcome to our first edition for the younger folks (ages 4 -7)! Some of the links below are for the parents to get general background about the daily lesson plan while others are to share with your child.
On this day in 1962 John Glenn orbited the Earth in the Friendship 7 Space Capsule. He was the first man to orbit the Earth. Read more about John Glenn here:

Eat Like an Astronaut
This science project is a yummy way to learn more about astronauts! If you have older students you can adapt it by having them weigh the objects and filling out
A is for Astronaut (Let’s Learn about the letter A!)
For those not ready to tackle writing skills

For those practicing their writing skills

Write the following on a piece of paper. Read it to your child. Have them draw a picture below the words. Then have them tell you about what they drew.

I would like to be an astronaut. It would be fun discovering outer space. I would like to learn what the surface of the moon is like or how it feels to be in a space shuttle.
John Glenn flew on the Friendship 7 – so let’s learn about the number 7. Have your child find 7 objects. Then have them work on this sheet below. Draw 7 items or put 7 stickers in the jar. Practicing writers can trace the numbers as well!

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